Which Hearing Aids Are Best



There are a lot of reputable hearing aid manufacturers who supply devices in New Zealand, each with a huge variety of hearing aid styles and technology.

At Dilworth Hearing, our clinicians have access to many of these brands so that they can find the solution that best fits each patient’s hearing needs, lifestyle and budget. Our team generally work with a handful of preferred suppliers that have most of the devices we need, and we’ve worked with some of them for decades! This means that we have built strong relationships with suppliers to create a good supply chain and excellent customer service. We are not compensated by suppliers for each sale, and are free to recommend devices based solely on the patient’s hearing needs, lifestyle and budget. We fit hundreds of pairs of hearing aids each year, so are well-placed to have educated insight into hearing aid performance and quality.

As with all technology and small devices, there is a chance that something might go wrong with new hearing aids. This is why our preferred suppliers all offer a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty. We also have an extended warranty on electronic repairs available as part of the Dilworth Care Pack that can be purchased separately.