A hearing screening is a quick and simple test designed to identify people who may have hearing difficulties or a potential hearing loss. It is used as an initial assessment to determine whether further evaluation by an audiologist is required.
The aim of hearing screening is to identify people at risk of hearing loss or hearing problems at an early stage, to enable timely intervention and management. If a screening indicates a potential hearing problem, further assessment by an audiologist is recommended to determine the extent and nature of the hearing loss and to develop an appropriate treatment plan.
This test does not provide you with information about the type of hearing loss or any information about middle ear status, it simply indicates if your hearing is where it should be or not.
Hearing screenings can also be used to monitor your hearing health over time to ensure that we pick up on any decline or difficulties quickly. This is especially important for those with a higher risk of hearing loss due to factors such as age, occupational noise exposure, or medical conditions. In these cases, we would recommend an annual hearing screening.