When do you need a hearing aid assessment?
Are you experiencing hearing loss? Visit your nearest Dilworth Hearing clinic today. Dilworth Hearing offer a range of services including hearing aid assessments and comprehensive hearing aid checks to ensure your hearing aids are performing at the optimal level.
If hearing loss has been detected during your Full Diagnostic Hearing Assessment , dependent on the type of hearing loss you are experiencing, your audiologist may recommend proceeding to a hearing aid fitting.
Getting fitted with a hearing aid(s) requires a few appointments as follows.

1. Needs Assessment
Hearing aids come in a variety of shapes, sizes and prices. . During your hearing aid assessment your audiologist will discuss with you your current day-to-day regime and lifestyle to gain a better understanding of your requirements.
From here they will recommend the most ideal product that considers your lifestyle, cosmetic considerations, level of loss and budget. Funding and finance options are available to help you hear better, sooner.
2. Hearing Aid Fitting
During this appointment our audiologist will fit you with your selected hearing aids, programming them to your unique requirements. A technical assessment of hearing aid function in your ears and a detailed discussion about use and maintenance will also take place.
At Dilworth Hearing we provide all our patients with a 60-day money back guarantee on all hearing aid purchases. Check-up appointments will be booked over this 60-day period to ensure your hearing aids function optimally and that you are happy with the result.
3. Hearing Aid Review
We recommend once you have finalised your hearing aid purchase that you schedule a hearing aid review once a year to ensure that everything is performing at the optimal level.
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